Foundations of Wellness Series
New Year = Great Time for Change! Goal: Create Healthy Habits Foundations are Key
4 Part Series: Water, Sleep, Food, Movement
Part 1

- More Energy
- Glowing Skin
- A Hydrated Appearance (less wrinkles)
- Flush Out Toxins
- Someone Told me to!
- Think about this question: Why do YOU drink water?
The Science
Harvard School of Public Health:
- 60% – 70%
- Restores Fluids Throughout
- Lubricates Joints & Bones
- Helps Digestion
- *** Hydrates the Body at the Cellular Level
The “Old” Recommendation: 8 cups (8 oz) of Water per Day (64 oz) The “More Recent” Recommendation: ½ Your Body Weight in Ounces 150 lbs. Divided by 2 = 75 Ounces The Newest Research: “Most Recent” PLUS Electrolytes PLUS (sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and calcium) “Gel Hydration” (food) Why? Allows Cellular Hydration
- Caffeine, Alcohol, Exercise, Sauna
- All “water” is not created equally (dead water) Solution:
- Add Water
- Stop the Activity Question: How Much Water do YOU Drink per Day??
- Tap: Municipal
- Tap: Well
Professional Testing
- Bottled
Glass, Plastic, Type of Water in the Bottle
- Spring
Glass or Plastic
- Alkaline Higher pH ***Showers
- Depends on water quality!!!
- RO
- Distilled
- Carbon
- Softener (salt)
- Whole House
- Pitcher
Action Steps
Goal: Hydrate Your Body at the Cellular Level & Enjoy the Benefits!
Choose a Water Source
- Spring
- Filtered
- Bottled
What to Drink Out of
- Glass (Mason Jar)
- Measurable
Choose a Salt
- Sea or Himalayan
- Just a Pinch!
Calculate How Much
- Body Weight Divided by 2
- Waking – 18 Ounces
- Divide the Rest Drink Every 1-2 Hours
- Stop 3 Hours Before Bed
Educate Yourself!!
Educational Resources
- Quench – Dr. Dana Cohen (Favorite Book)!!!!
- Mercola, J. (2017, Sep 29). Dr Mercola Discusses Water Filters for Drinking [Video]. YouTube.
- Wallace. (2020, Apr 15). Water and Electrolyte Balance [Video]. YouTube.