Foundations of Wellness Series
Part 3

"Real Food"
What happened?
- All Food was “Organic”
- Industrialized Revolution Herbicides Pesticides Preservatives GMO seeds Hormones Antibiotics Irradiation Pasteurization Homogenization
- Conventional vs Organic

The Goal
- Eat Food as Close to Nature as Nature Intended
- Unprocessed Whole Foods Vegetables Fruits Meat/Fish/Poultry Grains? Legumes? Dairy?
- Organic Seal
- Non-GMO Verified Label (butterfly)
- Raw No Meat or Fish Parasites
- Grow your Food

Why eat "Real Food"?
- Feel Good
- Less Aches & Pains
- More Energy
- Ideal Body Weight
- Brain Function
- Sick Less / Boosts Immune System
- Save $ in the Long Run
- Better Mood
- Feed your Cells!
- Repair / Heal the Body
- For your Family
- Support Farmers
- Quality of Life
- Preventative
- Because YOU are Worth it!
Getting started: Grocery Shopping
So Many Options! Local Farmers Market Health Food Stores Sprouts Whole Foods MOMs Natural Grocers Big Box Stores Walmart Target Costco Online Amazon Thrive Co-op / CSA Farm to Table Deliver Services Circle C Farm The Good Kitchen Grow a Garden
Getting Started: Diets
Whole Foods Organic, Wild Caught, Grass Fed & Finished, Raw Elimination Diet The Whole30 Dr. Amy Myers Dr. Steven Gundry Dr. Mark Hyman Anti-Inflammatory Diet Dr. Andrew Weil Harvard School of Public Health
SIBO Low FODMAP Dr. Nirala Jacobi Dr. Allison Siebecker Candida / Yeast Overgrowth Dr. Jeffrey McCombs Dr. Margaret Beeson Overall Gut Health Dr. Stephen Gundry Dr. Mark Hyman Dr. Amy Myers
Getting Started: Gel & Water Foods
Gel Ground Chia Seeds 1 Tablespoon Smoothie Water
Vegetables Cucumbers (96.7%) Romaine Lettuce Celery Radish Zucchini Tomato Peppers Cauliflower Spinach Broccoli Carrots (90%)
Fruits Starfruit (91.4%) Watermelon Strawberries Grapefruit Cantaloupe Pineapples Raspberries Blueberries Kiwi Apples Pears (84%)
Action Steps
Goal Feel Energized from the Food you Choose to Eat
Choose an Eating Plan/Diet One that Works for YOU Create a Grocery Shopping List Remember “Organic” Don’t Forget Hydrating Foods Choose Where to Shop
Clean Out Your Kitchen Donate the Food Not on your Plan Shop & EAT! Big Breakfast/Brunch Stop Eating 3 Hours Before Bed Educate Yourself!!
Educational Resources
- CBS. (2018, Mar 12). Doctor Dispels Food Myths and Shares What You Should Eat [Video]. YouTube.
- Doctors Mentioned: Dr. Mark Hyman Dr. Steven Gundry Dr. Amy Myers Dr. Andrew Weil Dr. Nirala Jacobi Dr. Allison Siebecker Dr. Jeffrey McCombs Dr. Margaret Beeson