Enjoy the video recordings of our Stress Management webinar series.
Watch the video recording of
"What is Stress?"
We all know what it’s like to feel stressed, but what IS stress exactly and how does it tend to affect us mentally and physically? Learn some basic ways to identify stress and also get some tips to manage it.

Watch the video recording of
"Iron Shirt Qi Gong"
Qi Gong focuses our intent on one breath at a time, one movement at a time, which trains our mind to stay in the moment. The Iron Shirt Qi Gong series helps to strengthen our immune system as each movement enhances the associated meridian channel, thereby bringing our body into a relaxed state and into homeostasis.

Watch the video recording of
"Holding Space for Yourself in Uncertain Times"
A conversation about setting boundaries, expectations, and routines that will allow you to thrive during chaotic times.

Watch the video recording of
"Leveraging Positive Stress to Promote Growth and Resiliency"
What if every time we encountered a problem, we took less fault personally, and instead, adopted a lens that promoted growth and commitment to our goals? In this webinar, we will discuss practicing Resiliency ABC's, focusing on progress rather than goals, acquiring an adaptive mindset, and learning to perceive obstacles as challenges rather than dealbreakers. Join us to learn how to cultivate a mindset that fosters success, happiness, and resiliency.

Watch the video recording of
"Mindfulness & Breathing: Practice to Relief Tension & Stress in Present Times"
Enjoy a simple and easy practice that will lift your spirits, clear your mind, and increase your focus at work, home, or during your educational studies. Jennifer is a 15 year yoga and wellness professional earning her Master's in the Science of Aromatherapy at ACHS, and is looking forward to giving you valuable tips to get you through your semester and life practices.

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