What we'll cover today

A look at the global plastic crisis and invitation to step into solidarity with those most affected by it

A review of medical literature demonstrating a possible link between infertility and other common health problems with chemicals used in plastic products such as phthalates and BPA

Specific ways to help detoxify the body’s plastic burden and become more resilient in the face of the unavoidable plastics in the environment

A call to action to commit to living a more plastic free lifestyle with an invitation be part of the ACHS team for the July Plastic Free Ecochallenge


Global Plastic Crisis

Plastic and Health

Resilience Factors

Thank you for being here...& take heart!

We know that our precious Earth is terribly polluted with plastic.

It’s filling our oceans, our landfills and even our bodies this year more than ever.

My message is meant to inspire hope, connection and positive action!

Dr. Jacqui McGrath